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U.S.-Japan Relations – The Implications for the Pacific Northwest Economy and Trade

  • Friday, June 20, 2014
  • 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Bellevue City Hall Council Chamber, 450 110th Ave NE, Bellevue WA 98004
  • 2


  • A total of 3 tickets to enter the event. (can be used for you, your staff or inviting your clients)

    Your company name will be printed on the event program.

    A table to place corporate banners, brochures allowing your staff to talk about your business at the event.
  • Doesn't include Reception
  • Doesn't include Reception

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The Implications

for the Pacific Northwest Economy & Trade

An update on the state of US Japan relations and its implications for the economic, business, and trade relationships within Washington State. 

Click Here for the Flyer!


Keynote speaker: Marc Knapper

Director, Office of Japanese Affairs

 U.S. Department of State   

Marc Knapper will provide an update on U.S.-Japan relations. Marc is a rising star and immensely well respected by top Japanese opinion leaders as well as leaders here at home.

Marc Knapper is currently serving as the Director of the Department of State’s Office of Japanese Affairs. Prior to this assignment, he was Political Counselor in the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. He has also served as Deputy Chief of the Political Section in the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo and Political Counselor in Hanoi. Previously, he had assignments in the Office for Chinese and Mongolian Affairs in the Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul (twice), and in Tokyo as the aide to Ambassador Walter Mondale.

Marc graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University with a BA in Politics and a minor in East Asian Studies. After graduation, he studied for two years at the University of Tokyo as a visiting graduate research student in international relations on a Monbusho scholarship and worked in the Liberal Democratic Party’s International Bureau. He is also a graduate of the Army War College. Marc speaks Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese.

マーク・ナッパ- 米国国務省東アジア・太平洋局日本部長  

元駐日米国大使館政治部次席で「ジャパン・ハンド」の星 として在日米軍基地問題や中国・朝鮮問題にも精通したナッパ-氏が、日米同盟の現況、展望、及び日米関係全般について講演します。 





Leadership Panel:



Kelly M. Ogilvie, Senior Policy Advisor

Governor's Legislative & Policy Office

State of Washington


Brad Miyake, City Manager

City of Bellevue



Hiroko Huntoon, International Buyer

Costco Wholesale




Kathleen Paulson, General Manager

Global Sales & Strategic Partnerships

Delta Air Lines


                Master of Ceremonies and Commentator:

                 Ambassador Michael W. Michalak (Ret'd)



Special Greetings:

Masahiro Omura

Consul General of Japan












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