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Annual Meeting and Dinner 2014

  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014
  • 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Bell Harbour Conference Center
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  • Full Page Ad in the printed program provided to all attendees. Please forward artwork to
  • Ad in the printed program provided to all attendees. Please forward artwork to
  • Ad in the printed program provided to all attendees. Please forward artwork to
  • Table for 10, logo in printed program, electronic presentation of logos, logos in promotional emails. 1/2 Page Ad in program.
  • Individual admission and dinner
  • Seat for 10, logo

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Annual Meeting and Dinner 2014

April 23rd, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Japan-America Society of the State of Washington Annual Meeting and Dinner.

Keynote speaker:  Michael K. Young, President, University of Washington.



5:30pm - 6:00 pm  Annual Member Meeting and Board Elections (Members only) 

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm  Reception (Members and Guests)

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm  Dinner and Program

Keynote speaker: Michael K. Young, President, University of Washington


2014 Thomas S. Foley Award: 

The annual Thomas S. Foley Award was created to recognize the person or company that has continuously contributed their efforts and energy toward promoting better understanding of both cultural and economic issues between the people of Washington State and Japan.


This award is named in honor of a great American and Washington Statenative, the honorable Thomas S. Foley, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and Ambassador to Japan (1997 – 2001), who worked continuously to improve and foster the relationship between Japan and the United States.


2014 Sponsors 



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