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Speaker Series: Justice Gonzalez

  • Monday, February 25, 2013
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Davis Wright Tremaine, 1201 3rd Ave, Suite 2200, Seattle


  • Corporate sponsors of the March 10th "Shout Out to Japan" or register by sending email to
  • Special member appreciation price. Includes reception.
  • Includes reception.

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Justice Steven Gonzalez

5:00 - 5:30pm Registration and Networking

5:30 - 6:30pm Justice Gonzalez

6:30 - 7:00pm Reception

Special member appreciation event and reception.

Interesting, articulate, open--and he speaks Japanese like a native speaker (according to a native speaker.)  His knowledge of Japanese was a factor in the successful investigation and prosecution of terrorist Ahmed Ressam. 

This is a unique opportunity to hear from Washington State Supreme Court Justice Gonzalez on virtually any topic -- Terrorism, gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, international trade or topic of your choice.  You've seen his bio in earlier emails, but meeting him in person is a treat. Did you know he is a Facebook enthusiast?  The picture above with JASSW member, Naoko Inoue Shatz is on Facebook now.

Format will be an opening 20 minutes from Justice Gonzalez followed by open Q&A.  This will be an great evening.  Don't miss it!

For his profile, check out Profile of Justice Gonzalez

 As a part of his undergraduate degree, Justice González studied at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan and at Nanjing University in China. Before law school, he did graduate work in Economics at Hokkaido University on a scholarship from Rotary International. He received an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Gonzaga University School of Law in 2011 where he gave the commencement address.

Justice González speaks Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish. He lives in Seattle with his wife, Michelle, an Assistant Dean at the University of Washington School of Law, and their two sons.



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