(日本語は下に続きます) For those looking to start a food business or already running one, we would like to introduce our shared kitchen! Please join us for an opportunity to visit during the Open House event.
Incubation Program Our shared kitchen offers an "Incubation Program" designed to support those new to the food business. This program helps you not only with kitchen operations but also with the overall aspects of starting and growing your business.
Start Operations Immediately with a Commercial Kitchen We have met all the requirements for obtaining business licenses. Once the permit from King County is approved, you can begin operating right from your first day.
Collaboration with Fellow Entrepreneurs Our shared kitchen offers opportunities to collaborate with others using the same space. You can exchange advice, consult with each other, and even host joint events. The community of shared kitchen users will support your business.
Use as a Takeout or Delivery Hub You can reduce high restaurant leasing costs and employee expenses by starting your business here. The shared kitchen can also be used as a base for takeout or delivery services.
Easy Kitchen Reservation Once your business is registered, you can conveniently reserve kitchen usage times online.
Mar 12th: 10 am -1 pm
Mar 26th: 10 am - 1 pm
To attend the Open House, please click the "Register" button on the left to make your reservation.
What to Bring No specific items are required.
Directions and Important Information Those who make a reservation will receive an email with directions and important information about the visit the day before the Open House.
There is a gated parking lot available.
If you would like to make a visit reservation outside of the available slots, please contact smallbiz@jassw.org.
フードビジネスを始めたい方、またはすでに始めている方へ シェアキッチンのご紹介です! オープンハウスの機会にぜひ見学にお越しください。
業務用キッチンで即営業開始 営業許可の取得条件をクリアしており、キング郡の許可が下り次第、利用初日から営業を開始できます。
仲間とのコラボレーション 同じシェアキッチンを利用する仲間同士でアドバイスや相談をし合い、共同イベントを開催するなど、コラボレーションの機会も豊富です。シェアキッチンの仲間があなたのビジネスを支えてくれます。
テイクアウトやデリバリー拠点として活用 レストラン賃貸の高額なコストや、従業員のコストを抑えてビジネスをスタートできます。シェアキッチンは、テイクアウトやデリバリー拠点としても利用可能です。
簡単にキッチン利用予約が可能 申込み企業様は、オンラインで簡単にキッチンの利用時間を予約できます。
3月12日:10am - 1pm
3月26日:10am - 1pm
持ち物について 特に必要なものはありません。
キッチンの行き方、注意事項について ご予約いただいた方には、オープンハウスの前日にキッチン訪問時の注意事項をメールにてお知らせいたします。