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Overtime Uncovered: Best Practices for Employees and Employers

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • NVC Memorial Hall (1212 S King St, Seattle, WA 98144)


Registration is closed

(日本語は下にあります)Overtime Awareness: Navigating Work Hours Together

Welcome to Overtime Awareness, a helpful presentation that is designed for both employees and employers to gain a comprehensive understanding of overtime laws, best practices, and how to navigate the complexities of extra work hours. Other topics will be discussed as well! 

Speaker from: Washington State Department of Labor & Industries!

Maggie Hammond - Assistant Small Business Liaison, WA Department of Labor and Industries

Maggie has been working with Labor and Industries since January 2024. After a career in teaching, Maggie knew she wanted to continue working in public service. For her, helping others learn and succeed is what makes work fulfilling. Maggie’s background, rich in teaching strategies and small business experience, have prepared her to support small business owners across the state.

What to Expect:

  • Expert Presentations: Learn about Washington State’s overtime regulations and how they impact both employees and employers.
  • Discussions: Participate in discussions addressing common challenges and solutions regarding overtime management.
  • Advice: Engage in sessions that cover effective practices for managing overtime, ensuring compliance, and maintaining a healthy work environment.
  • Q&A Sessions: Get your specific questions answered by an expert in real time.

hosted by small business program of Japan-America Society of the state of WA in partnership with the state Department of Labor & Industries.

              Refreshment will be provided!

時間外労働セミナー: 働く時間を共に見直す

WA州日米協会スモールビジネス部主催、WA州労働産業局提携!「Overtime Awareness」へようこそ!このセミナーは、従業員と雇用主を双方を対象に時間外労働に関する法律、ベストプラクティス、複雑な時間外労働の管理の仕方について説明します。労働法のほかのトピックについての話もあります。 


マギー・ハモンド - 労働産業局 小企業渉外担当アシスタント                  



  • 専門家によるプレゼンテーション: ワシントン州の時間外労働規制と、それが従業員と雇用者、双方に与える影響について学びます。
  • ディスカッション: 残業管理における共通の課題とその解決策について議論します。
  • アドバイス: 時間外労働の管理、コンプライアンスを徹底、健全な職場環境維持のための効果的な実践方法についてのセッションに参加できます。
  • Q&Aセッション: その場で専門家に直接質問することができ、自分のケースにあった具体的な疑問を解消することができます。


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