(English below Japanese)
6月の「対面式 個別相談ワークショップ」ページです。
Registration page for in-person, one-on-one advice workshop in June 2024
Please click the “Register” button to proceed with reserving your time slot.
If you want more time than just your one time slot, also select “I have participated 4 or more times since August 2023,” and in the field “Topic for Advice” enter the extra time you want to request.
If you have actually participated in 4 or more workshops, select “I have participated 4 or more times since August 2023” and enter the extra time you want in the “Topic for Advice” field. In cooperation with the Washington State Department of Commerce, we are able to offer these workshops completely free of charge.
We will let you know if you will be allotted extra time after scheduling all requests.