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  • 対面式 個別相談ワークショップ 2024年3月第2回目受付ページ Registration page for the second, in-person, one-on-one advice workshop in March 2024

対面式 個別相談ワークショップ 2024年3月第2回目受付ページ Registration page for the second, in-person, one-on-one advice workshop in March 2024

  • Friday, March 29, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • NVC Memorial Hall (1212 S King St, Seattle, WA 98144)


  • ワークショップ第2期(2023年8月~)のご訪問回数が4回目か、それ以上になる方はこちらにクリックして、ご希望の時間をご相談内容の欄にお書きください。


    If you have participated in our workshops 4 or more times since our second series that began in August of 2023, please click the button that says so and fill in the “Topic for Advice” field.

    We will make arrangements and contact you with a time slot we can schedule for you (after registering you may receive a cancellation email — please ignore this email; you have been registered). We look forward to your cooperation as we endeavor to serve as many people as possible.

Registration is closed

(English below Japanese)

3月第2回目「対面式 個別相談ワークショップ」の受付ページです。





  • この講座は、ワシントン州商務省からのご協力により、完全無料でご提供しております。安心してお越しください。
  • より多くのご相談者にお越しいただけるよう、ご予約後に予定が変更になった場合には、お時間の取り直しやキャンセル等、よろしくお願いいたします。
  • 予約の際、ご相談内容を簡単にお書きください。担当者への振り分けや、事前の準備が必要な場合などのためによろしくお願いいたします。


  • 時間の予約を直接お取りいただけるシステムにしましたが、都合により後から時間の変更をお願いする可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承下さい。

Registration page for the second, in-person, one-on-one advice workshop in March 2024

Please click the “Register” button to proceed with reserving your time slot.

There will be 2 workshops in March in order to serve as many people as possible. Please choose either the first or the second workshop.

If you want more time than just your one time slot, also select “I have participated 4 or more times since August 2023,” and in the field “Topic for Advice” enter the extra time you want to request.

If you have actually participated in 4 or more workshops, select “I have participated 4 or more times since August 2023” and enter the extra time you want in the “Topic for Advice” field. In cooperation with the Washington State Department of Commerce, we are able to offer these workshops completely free of charge.

We will let you know if you will be allotted extra time after scheduling all requests.


  • In cooperation with the Washington State Department of Commerce, we are able to offer these workshops completely free of charge. So you will be able to receive business advice at these workshops without effecting your budget.
  • Please remember that our objective is to serve as many people as possible. If you need to cancel or change your reservation let us know as soon as possible so we can serve others.
  • Make sure you fill in the “Topic for Advice” field when you make your reservation. Due to scheduling and other arrangements you may not always have the same Advisor.
Please note:
  • Although we have offered the option of reserving specific time slots, it is possible that some adjustments in scheduling may take place. We appreciate your understanding in such cases.
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