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Generative AI & Traditions

  • Thursday, October 12, 2023
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Hilton Bellevue, "King County" room


  • JASSW & JBAS Members

Registration is closed


Members: $25

Non-Members: $35

*Ticket includes event parking & refreshments


4:00pm Registration Opens

5:00pm Event Starts

Join us for an exciting event co-hosted by: Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle, the Japan Business Association of Seattle, and the Japan-America Society of the State of Washington!

Our traditions and cultures profoundly shape our lives, and with the surge in technological advances, Artificial Intelligence has become a prominent topic of discussion. This event will explore how Artificial Intelligence not only safeguards but also reinvigorates our society, illuminating a harmonious path for technology and tradition. 

Our keynote speakers will delve into the unique ways that generative AI can be used to help preserve traditions, cultures, and positively influence society. After the event concludes, enjoy catered appetizers and networking with like-minded people.

We are honored to host the following distinguished keynote speakers who have made remarkable contributions in this field:


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