Critical information like Visas, ESTAs, entry procedures and resources
渡米再開に向けて~ VISA, ESTA等アメリカ入国の手続き、準備についてのお知らせ
Wednesday, June 23 at 17:00 – 18:30 PST
Thursday, June 24 at 9:00 – 10:30 JST
Register Here
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), Delta Air Lines, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection invite you to a webinar to learn more about traveling to the United States through SEA.
With the everchanging circumstances of travel during the pandemic, we know it can be challenging to stay up-to-date with all the information that international business travelers need to know. Our partners are coming together to offer you detailed information and resources to navigate Visa and ESTA waivers, and other information, to make your business travel to the U.S. successful.
コロナの世界的流行が続く流動的な状況下で、出張で米国を訪れる皆さまに常に最新情報をお届けすることが難しい中、今回のオンラインセミナーでは査証やESTAなどに関する詳細かつ、最新の情報をお届け致します。 お忙しい中とは存じますが、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

Japanese company executives and employees traveling to the U.S. on business
A 90-minute webinar covering important topics to optimize your travel and arrival experience in the U.S. at SEA:
- Visa classifications and application process update from the U.S. Department of State
- Common misconceptions about the ESTA waiver program, and resources to help you, from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- Planning tips for your international business travel – “Know before you go”
- Upcoming changes to entry process for international travelers, such as the “first of its kind” Bag-first process and Bio-metric entry
- Overview of SEA airport features, including the new International Arrivals Facility that will open in the Fall of 2021
- Overview of resources for international business travelers
- Opportunity to ask questions of our panelists from Sea-Tac International Airport, Delta Air Lines, U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection
渡米再開に向けて~VISA, ESTA等アメリカ入国の手続き、準備について重要なお知らせ、並びにシアトル空港の入国プロセスについての取り組み
- 90分のオンラインセミナーを予定しております
- ビザ査証の分類と申請方法(国務省の最新情報)について
- ESTAに関するよくある誤解事例と準備情報(税関・国境警備局)
- 出発前のお役立ち情報
- 今後変更予定の入国プロセスについて
- シアトル・タコマ国際空港概要・2021年秋オープン予定の到着エリア等
- 質疑応答 (シアトル・タコマ国際空港、デルタ航空、アメリカ合衆国税関・国境警備局)
The speakers will be presenting in English, with simultaneous Japanese language interpretation. Questions may be asked in either Japanese or English.
If you have any questions about the event, or would like to submit questions in advance to be answered during the webinar, please email Karin Zaugg Black, International Business Protocol Liaison, Sea-Tac International Airport at (Japanese or English)
シアトル・タコマ国際空港のKarin Zaugg Black
へお気軽にメールをお願いします。 (日本語可)