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Virtual America In the Schools Workshop - Session One

  • Tuesday, June 15, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online (links will sent out prior to the event)


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We are excited to debut our America In the Schools (AIS) program for the first time in a virtual format!

Join us for a unique opportunity to experience our signature program for school students in Japan.

Date: Tuesday, June 15th

Time: 10:00 am PT

AIS is designed to promote sensitivity and respect for cultural diversity by educating elementary school students in Japan about the daily life, language and culture of America.

Many Japanese people hear about the U.S. through the media and movies that may not always be representative of everyday life. News headlines involving violence and racially-biased crime can create an unappealing image of the U.S. for those with no other context of understanding. As a consequence, children can form very limited and inaccurate views of America that can result in reduced interest in studying in the U.S. when they reach college age.

By bringing American life to Japanese students at an early stage in their academic career, a resilient foundation can be cast that will promote awareness as well as encouragement for further English language and American culture studies—the youth are the future of the U.S.-Japan bond on all levels.

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