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Global Investment Outlook: The View from America and Japan

  • Monday, November 02, 2020
  • 4:00 PM
  • Online (Links will be sent prior to event)


  • Free Registration for JASSW members, current members of other Japan-America Societies and JBA.
  • Registration with a $10 donation to support the Society.
  • Registration with a $25 donation to support the Society.

Registration is closed


Listen to the insights of  prominent investment experts with decades of experience in the markets as they share their views about the most pressing risks and opportunities facing investors.  Following a year of extraordinary economic upheaval and volatile markets, our speakers will address the economic and market outlook from a number of perspectives, including the political, economic and market forces investors have to contend with as they seek to reach their personal and institutional goals. 

Russell Investments CEO Michelle Seitz will kick off the event with her thoughts on the critical challenges investors face in an unprecedented environment. This will be followed by a panel of experts from the US and Japan who will address the economic questions facing both nations and the world, including a look at the potential impact of US politics on the markets on the eve of a historic election.

Date: Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Time: 4:00 PM Pacific Time

Place: Online (Connection link in registration confirmation and reminder emails.)

Registration is required: This online event will be recorded.  By joining, you are giving consent for this meeting to be recorded.


Special Keynote Speaker: 

Michelle Seitz 

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


As chairman and CEO of Russell Investments, Michelle Seitz leads a global investment solutions firm with $300 billion in assets under management and $2.5 trillion in assets under advisement for clients in 32 countries around the world.  Russell Investments is the world's forth largest investment adviser.  In 2017, Seitz was recruited to Russell Investments to transform the firm in terms of growth and corporate culture.  Over three years, she restructured the management team, revamped client offerings, and built sales and profitability while focusing the firm around its core purpose "to improve people's financial security.


 Adam Goff is Head Research for Russell Investments. He oversees all investment division research activities including investment manager research, quantitative research and development (R&D), investment strategy, asset allocation, and investment analytics. Adam is responsible for ensuring that this research yields powerful return sources and investment insights in the service of delivering superior outcomes and advice to our clients. In addition, he oversees the Investment Practice Team, which is responsible for the measurement, evaluation, articulation and continuous improvement of the firm's investment research.




Makiko Hakozaki is a director, senior portfolio manager forRussell Investments. Based in Japan, Makiko is responsible for managing Japan equity multi-manager strategies for Russell Investment's clients. Prior to the current assignment, she was a senior research analyst involved with researching and evaluating Japanese and Korean equity managers. 

Eric Ristuben is the global chief investment strategist for Russell Investments. His team's responsibilities include the creation and management of integrated client investment strategies for Russell institutional and retail clients globally, as well as the creation of Russell's global economic and market outlooks. In his role he manages the global Client Portfolio Manager team. That team works directly with clients on the implementation of investment strategies for both our individual and institutional clients. 

Guest Panelist from JPMorgan Chase & Co:

Jim Glassman

Managing Director, Head Economist, Chase Commercial Banking

See the source image

Jim Glassman is the Managing Director and Head Economist for Commercial Banking. From regulations and technology to globalization and consumer habits, Jim's insights are used by companies and industries to help them better understand the changing economy and its impact on their businesses.

Jim's work with the firm—combined with his independent research on the principal forces shaping the economy and financial markets—has earned him regular features in the media and as an economic commentator. He is also a long-standing participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's Survey of Professional Forecasters and the National Association of Business Economists' (NABE) panel of macroeconomic forecasters.


Event Timeline

3:50 pm pacific time


4:00 pm pacific time

Makiko Coffland (JASSW Event Committee Chair): Opening

Keynote speech

Q & A

4:30 pm pacific time

Panel Discussion

Q & A

5:00 pm pacific time 

Naoki Yamamoto (JBAS Community Affairs Committee Chair) : Closing



Sponsorship Levels:

$500.00 level

  • Sponsors at this level will have their logos displayed in all promotional materials as well as, at the beginning and end of the event.

$1000.00 level

  • Sponsors at this level will have their logos displayed in all promotional materials as well as, at the beginning and end of the event. 
  • Sponsors will be able to submit 1 minute video to show during the event (promotional video or commercial) or a 1 minute welcome address to showcase their company. 

If you would like to consider becoming a sponsor, please E-MAIL us.

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