Leslie Helm began his career as Tokyo correspondent and then Boston bureau chief for Business Week. He later returned to Tokyo as correspondent for the Los Angeles Times. He has also been editor in chief of Washington CEO and, later, Seattle Business magazine. He is the author of the family memoir: Yokohama Yankee: My Family’s Five Generations as Outsiders in Japan. Helm received a BS in Political Science and an MA in Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and an MS in Journalism at Columbia University.
VSS - Live Music
Bring a sense of comfort and renewed hope
We are adding a live music performance to our Virtual Speaker Series.
For our first VSS-Live Music, Fumi Tagata and JASSW staff, Lisa Maria are thrilled to share something with you that comforts us in times of trouble: some beautiful music. As we all continue to deal with the pandemic through social isolation, may this song be a bridge that brings us together.

Soprano: Fumi is a native of Japan, where she completed her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Since coming to Washington State to extend her musical experiences and repertoire, she has appeared in various performance venues, such as operas, concerts, recitals, church services and local events. In addition to taking many opportunities to introduce Japanese art songs to the American public, she has also devotedly studied early music with Nancy Zylstra.

Accompanist: Lisa María has taught and played piano in the greater Seattle area since 1997. In 2001 she took a hiatus from teaching to further her studies, graduating from Eastern Washington University in 2004 with a master’s degree in historical performance practice and piano performance. In addition to teaching and accompanying, Lisa Maria is the Visit Leader for the Japan in the schools program at JASSW, which goes into elementary, middle and high schools giving presentations on various aspects of Japanese school and home life
Sponsorship Levels:
$100.00 level
$250.00 level
Sponsors at this level will have their logos displayed in all promotional materials as well as, at the beginning and end of the event.
Sponsors will be able to submit 1 minute video to show during the event (promotional video or commercial) or a 1 minute welcome address to showcase their company.
Please consider a DONATION to support the Society’s future programming and educational programs like Japan-in-the-Schools and America-in-the-Schools.