The JIS Festival has gone virtual!

We are excited to invite you to join us for an evening of Japanese language learning, trivia and fun in celebration of the 25th anniversary of our Japan In Schools program. In partnership with The Hyogo Business and Culture Center, we will present the finalists of the RECord Japanese Video & Clip Contest and announce winners! The event will also include a tribute the class of 2020 and a presentation about the JET Program.
Sign-up early to get a free T-shirt!

See below for schedule and other details.
Click HERE for more information about submission rules and deadlines for the RECord Japanese Video & Clip Contest
Date: Thursday, June 4
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM PST
Application: Zoom*
*More information, such as how to join the Zoom meeting, will be made available to registrants closer to the event
Registration required
Registration fee: Free!
3:45 pm: Zoom Check-in
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm:
· Opening Remarks
· JIS 25th Anniversary “Kahoot Trivia 大会” (30 minutes)
· Introducing HBCC RECord Japanese Video & Clip Contest results and highlights
· Introducing JET Program, “Memories of my JET experience”
· Recognizing Class 2020
· Closing Remarks from CG Yamada