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  • Shinnenkai 2019

Shinnenkai 2019

  • Thursday, January 10, 2019
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Suite 3300, 920 Fifth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104-1610


  • Includes: refreshments, 2 glasses of wine, doorprize raffle entry.
    Register before December 31 and be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card to Sushi Kashiba!
  • Includes: refreshments, 2 glasses of wine, doorprize raffle entry.
    Register before December 31 and be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card to Sushi Kashiba!

Refunds cannot be processed after January 10, 2019. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your understanding.

All our members are invited to our

Celebrate the Year of the Boar with the Society! Join us as we ring in the New Year with new and old friends, great food, and a fresh start to 2019.

Attendees will enjoy Japanese appetizers, 2 glasses of wine, fabulous door prizes, and a chance to try their hand at sumi painting, courtesy of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists! 

Members: $20*

Non-members: $30

*Is your company one of our corporate members? Than you qualify as a member! 

Register before January 3, 2019 and enter to win a drawing for a $100 gift card to Sushi Kashiba!

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