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  • 57th Annual Golf Tournament

57th Annual Golf Tournament

  • Friday, July 21, 2017
  • 11:00 AM
  • Redmond Ridge, Redmond, WA


  • Exclusive Sponsorship of the awards ceremony and dinner at the end of the tournament. Signs in the dining area with your company's name prominently displayed. recognition in the program, on our website and in all event promotional materials.
  • Sponsor a cart. Sponsor logo will be placed on the cart. First cart at $100, additional carts (sign up as guests) at $50.
  • Exclusive sponsorship of Chip-In Contest area
    Signs at the area with your company’s name prominently displayed
    Recognition in the program, on our website and in all event promotional materials
  • For those non-golfers who just want to join us for dinner.
  • Want to donate a raffle prize? Register as a donor here and JASSW will contact you with details.
  • Exclusive sponsorship of driving range.
    Signs at the area with your company’s name prominently displayed
    Recognition in the program, on our website and in all event promotional materials
  • Golf for four. Please supply the names and emails for your foursome by July 10, 2015 to
  • Sponsor one of the holes during the tournament and set up a table to greet the golfers. Hole sponsorship includes logo'd tee box signs and pin flags to mark your hole distinctively. Also includes logo in printed program and on event website. Please send logos to upon registration.

    18 holes available on the golf course and the 19th hole dinner and awards ceremony.
  • Register yourself and guests. Include lunch, golf and cart, and dinner reception.
  • Get valuable volunteer experience at one of our biggest events on a beautiful golf course. Assist with registration, contest judging, lunch preparation, dinner preparation, photo-taking, and raffle, ticket, and contest sales.

Refunds are not permitted a week before the event. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Registration is closed

3 Spots Available for Golfers!

Register before June 1 and your name will be entered into a special Early Bird Raffle! **Closed**

57th Annual Golf Tournament

July 21, 2017

The Golf Club at Redmond Ridge

Join the Japan-America Society for the 57th Annual Golf Tournament at Redmond Ridge Golf Club! It's a great venue with some spectacular views! Come join your fellow colleagues for some fun on the green!  Scramble format with prizes for top teams. Raffle prizes include 2 tickets to Asia on Delta Air Lines!

Proceeds support the Japan in the Schools (JIS) and JASSW business and cultural education programs.

See our flyer here. Don't forget to pass it along to your friends and colleagues!

Become a Player!
Individuals $175 / Foursome $700
Not a Golfer? 
Join for Dinner! $38

Hole Sponsors:

Driving Range Sponsor:

Raffle and Contest Sponsor:

19th Hole Awards Ceremony and Dinner Sponsor:

Cart Sponsors:

Add your name to the page and sign up for sponsorship and golf in 2017!    

Tee to Green Hole Sponsorship: 

For your sponsorship, you will receive:

« Exclusive sponsorship of one hole

« Full color tee markers  and pin hole flag with your logo prominently displayed as a sponsor

« Promotional table at sponsored hole

« Recognition at the event reception and dinner

« Recognition in all Japan America Society Golf Tournament promotional materials

« Recognition in the event program and on our website

*Please note that holes are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cart Sponsorship:

« Sign on the cart(s) with your company’s name prominently displayed


Chipping Contest Sponsorship:

« Exclusive sponsorship of Chip-In Contest area 

« Signs at the area with your company’s name prominently displayed

« Recognition in the program, on our website and in all event promotional materials

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